Get to know the student leaders who help make this your campus and ensure you’re connected through activities, Student Senate, 和更多的.
了解更多 外围投注
The challenges that exist in the world today, both in faraway countries and here in the U.S., are enormous and daunting. Be part of the solution by volunteering to serve as a student missionary. 电子邮件 to find out how.
Meet 尼科莱特 Piaubert
护理 assistant professor and student success coordinator 尼科莱特 Piaubert, F.N.P., R.N. has worked at PUC for over a year. Last year she was one of the nursing professors who went on the Kenya mission trip, where she assisted in delivering babies at the clinic there. One of the babies was even named 尼科莱特, in honor of her.
先锋 体育运动
Over 50 percent of the student body and many faculty and staff participate in one of our 12 intramurals sports, such as soccer, 垒球, and ultimate Frisbee.
了解更多Missions and Chaplain
Learn about PUC's many worship opportunities, ways to serve both locally and globally, or just pop in to chat or pray.
Career Services
Piece together the puzzle of your future with professional counselors trained in personality and interest assessments.
Dining Commons
Find out what’s on the menu, what times Bon Appetit is serving, and read their wellness blog.
Northern California has a distinct lifestyle: Gourmet food, 现场音乐, outdoor activities, 博物馆, 雾, 人字拖, 和咖啡. And it’s all yours.